Il nostro Guusc72 ha ricevuto dal franciasing “Midwestern Ghostbusters Coalition” l’attestato “Progetto della settimana” per la realizzazione del “seminterrato della caserma degli Acchiappafantasmi“.
E’ un riconoscimento che rende felice tutto il gruppo di Ghostbusters Italia.
Qui l’articolo pubblicato sulla loro pagina di Facebook:
Language is often a barrier to conveying ideas and sharing information to others. But not not even language barrier can stop the awesomeness that radiates from this weeks Midwestern Ghostbusters Featured Project of the week. Guusc72 on the Italian Ghostbusters Group made a life sized, fully functional reproduction of the Ghostbusters’ firehouse basement! The replica is over 4 meters long and 2.5 meters high! (That’s 13 feet by 8 feet for you Imperial users out there!) It also fully functional with lights, sound, and special effects! The project took 4 months to complete! If you havent seen this epic set in action, here is the Youtube link http://youtu.be/3p4RGUn6Cws Excellent work and a job well done Guusc72! I would like to thank GBMax for helping us with getting this information!